Spray protected positive-drive depth counter 200 ft. of 150 lb. Test, Stainless Steel Downrigger Cable 1 ft. per turn of the spool Boom mounted adjustable 355 Rodmaster II Rod Holder Includes 1021 Portable Clamp-on Bracket Marine grade stainless steel boom Clutch brake with the largest braking surface in the industry – In the event of a bottom hang-up, it will pay out to avoid loosing gear Includes Power Grip Plus Line Release Fully assembled and factory tested with complete saltwater protectionSpray protected positive-drive depth counter
200 ft. of 150 lb. Test, Stainless Steel Downrigger Cable
1 ft. per turn of the spool
Boom mounted adjustable 355 Rodmaster II Rod Holder
Includes 1021 Portable Clamp-on Bracket
Marine grade stainless steel boom
Clutch brake with the largest braking surface in the industry – In the event of a bottom hang-up, it will pay out to avoid loosing gear
Includes Power Grip Plus Line Release
Fully assembled and factory tested with complete saltwater protection
200 ft. of 150 lb. Test, Stainless Steel Downrigger Cable
1 ft. per turn of the spool
Boom mounted adjustable 355 Rodmaster II Rod Holder
Includes 1021 Portable Clamp-on Bracket
Marine grade stainless steel boom
Clutch brake with the largest braking surface in the industry – In the event of a bottom hang-up, it will pay out to avoid loosing gear
Includes Power Grip Plus Line Release
Fully assembled and factory tested with complete saltwater protection