Behold the new standard in spinning reels, DAIWA’s brilliantly-designed Tatula MQ LT. The new Tatula MQ LT embodies a rich features set, which starts with its one-piece MONOCOQUE ZAION V body. This design framework yields more space for larger gears, thus promoting increased torque and power from the get-go.
More power and torque, unbeatable performance, and longer life characterize the new TATULA MQ LT
Zaion V body construction with DAIWA’s original MONOCOQUE (MQ) body concept supports a machine-cut TOUGH DIGIGEAR to provide unmatched crank power and extra strength to the Drive gear.
Designed to allow anglers to control fish under any conditions and a smooth and effortless retrieve.
Equipped with a new AIRDRIVE ROTOR to provide rotation with low inertia and extra strength, the reel is equipped with the latest advanced technology and specifications.