All Elite Meegs jigs are hand poured with premium extra sharp hooks, and expertly wrapped with the most life like finish available. Imitating a feeding minnow, MEEGS jigs are proven to catch anything that swims. Best worked on the bottom, slow lifts ensuring the Head digs on bottom, allowing the jig to do all the work.
Our Goby is our number 1 selling pattern! Walleye, trout, whitefish, and anything that swims will eat a goby pattern!
One of the most prolific baitfish in all waters, fish thrive on eating perch fry! With a realistic finish gamefish of all kinds just cant resist this tasty treat!
One of the most common species of baitfish that swims! river chub are a hearty minnow that all species of gamefish feed on! Great for walleye, trout, whitefish and anything else that swims!