The ultimate gear case for the active ice fisherman. This case handles up to 5 ice rods and gear and can be used as a carry bag or a backpack. The Striker Ice Transporter is the ultimate ice fishing carry-all case. Use it as a gear bag or as a backpack to carry practically all of your gear. Place tackle and smaller items into the side pockets. Insert up to five ice rods up to 36-inches long into the rigid PE rod tubes, each in its own individual pocket. Use the main storage compartment for tip ups, ice strainer, gloves, electronics and other gear. This is not ordinary gear bag and it is no ordinary rod case. Carefully designed by our staff and outside fishing pros, this is truly the ultimate transporter for the active ice fisherman.
600D Endura
Main compartment lined with tough poly/vinyl
Measures approx 10" x 9" x 39"
Weighs 7.6 lbs